Tip: New to Telehealth? See Getting started with Telehealth for more information.
Before you join a Telehealth appointment from your mobile device, make sure to download the Telehealth by SimplePractice for iOS or Android.
Note: If you're on a mobile device, you can also join a Telehealth appointment directly from the SimplePractice Client Portal app without a video appointment link. To learn more, see Joining a Telehealth appointment.
To join a video call on your smartphone or tablet:
- Open your email or text appointment reminder
Tap the unique video appointment link included in the reminder to open the Telehealth by SimplePractice app
- If you’re on iOS, we recommend using Safari as your default browser to open the link
- If you don't have the Telehealth by SimplePractice app on your mobile device, you’ll be prompted to download it
The first time you launch the Telehealth by SimplePractice app, you'll see a Welcome screen with tips for optimizing your Telehealth experience
- To review these tips, swipe or tap Next
- To skip these tips, tap Skip
- Enter the unique video appointment link from your appointment reminder and select Continue
You'll see a preview where you can turn your video on or off, mute or unmute, and check your connection status
- While you can hold Telehealth calls using mobile data, we recommend using WiFi instead since it provides a more reliable connection
- To learn how to improve your connection, see Troubleshooting Telehealth appointments
- Enter your name
- Tap Ask to join
You can also enter your appointment in landscape mode by flipping your device.
Note: Our Telehealth feature lets you adjust your video screen layout, use chat or other tools, and more. To learn more, see Enhancing your Telehealth experience with integrated features.